Kizharnelli (scientifically known as Phyllanthus niruri), a plant seen throughout India as well as cultivated and wastelands is a herbal medicine with anti-viral effect. It is used for support in treatment of Hepatitis, Jaundice, Gonorrhea, frequent Menstruation and Diabetes. It has also been used on the skin for sores, swelling, and itchiness. The plant is bitter in taste, astringent, sweet, cooling, diuretic, deobstruant, stomachic, febrifuge and antiseptic.
Entire plant is having its medicinal value and the herb acts primarily on the lever. This action in the liver confirms its historical use as a remedy for jaundice. A decoction of the plant is administered in jaundice; or half ounce rubbed up in a cup of milk is given morning and evening; or the root of the dried small bitter leaves in powder, are used in teaspoonful doses.
The plant falling under the category Euphorbiacae, is a branching annual glabrous herb 30-60cm high with slender, spreading leaf-bearing branchlets. The flowers are in yellowish, greenish or whitish in colour. The plant has been traditionally used to promote liver functions.
Entire plant is having its medicinal value and the herb acts primarily on the lever. This action in the liver confirms its historical use as a remedy for jaundice. A decoction of the plant is administered in jaundice; or half ounce rubbed up in a cup of milk is given morning and evening; or the root of the dried small bitter leaves in powder, are used in teaspoonful doses.
The plant falling under the category Euphorbiacae, is a branching annual glabrous herb 30-60cm high with slender, spreading leaf-bearing branchlets. The flowers are in yellowish, greenish or whitish in colour. The plant has been traditionally used to promote liver functions.
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